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Canada Introduces PAL Requirement As A Cap On Study Permits

As of March 4, 2024, international students looking to pursue undergraduate studies in Canada will encounter a new hurdle: the Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL). This additional document, mandated by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), is designed to streamline the study permit application process within a national cap on international student admissions.

What is a Provincial Attestation Letter?

The PAL acts as verification that your acceptance aligns with a province's allocation of international student spots. Think of it as a numbered ticket – the province confirms there's room for you within their quota. This ensures a fairer distribution of students across Canada and helps provinces manage their resources.

Who Needs a PAL?

The requirement applies primarily to new international applicants for undergraduate programs at designated learning institutions (DLIs). Exceptions include:

  • Students pursuing postgraduate studies (Masters, PhD)

  • Applicants for primary or secondary education

How to Obtain a PAL

The process for obtaining a PAL varies by province. Here's a general roadmap:

  1. Receive a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from a DLI.

  2. Confirm if your program requires a PAL. Most undergraduate programs will.

  3. Contact your DLI. They will guide you on how to request a PAL from the specific province where they are located.

Important Considerations

  • Provincial governments manage their own PAL issuance processes. Deadlines and application methods may differ.

  • Don't delay! Apply for your PAL as soon as you receive your LOA. Provincial quotas could fill up quickly.

  • Consult a licensed Canadian immigration professional if you have questions about your eligibility or encounter difficulties obtaining a PAL.

We're Here to Help

Note that the above may be subject to change, and is not intended as legal advice.

The new PAL system adds a step to the study permit journey. However, with proper planning and guidance, you can navigate this change successfully. As a Canadian immigration consultant, I can assist you with understanding your specific requirements, navigating the PAL application process, and ensuring a smooth study permit application.

Contact my office today at +1 (647) 465-9232 or to discuss your educational aspirations and chart a clear path to studying in Canada.

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