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Visitor Visa

Visitor visas are valid for 10 years and allow applicants to visit Canada for 6 months at a time with the possibility of extension. Visitor visas are often a great way for potential immigrants to search for jobs, tour universities, visit family, or simply enjoy the beauty of Canada.


For some people visitor visa applications are simple, but for others they are very complicated and they will have a high rate of failure. Depending on your country of citizenship and background, The Canadian immigration authority may examine your case with greater scrutiny and deem you inadmissible to Canada. Visitor visa refusals stay on your record, and you will have to disclose the refusal in any future applications.


HACIC can significantly increase your chances of success with your visitor visa applications. HACIC regularly assists clients who have had previous refusals or potential inadmissibility issues. If you are concerned that your visitor visa application may be unsuccessful, please book a consultation with us so that we can assess your case.

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